Join us for the Pride Parade!
Saturday, September 14th! 🏳️🌈
We will begin gathering at Ytre Kongsgård, Bispegata and at the top of Munkegata from 12:00 PM.The parade will start moving at 13.00🎉
After the parade:
Join us at the square for festivities with stands, mingling, speeches, shows, and music.🎶
Let’s make this year’s celebration the biggest ever! Show your support for an open and inclusive community. Visibility is crucial to challenge traditional perceptions and stand together for equality. We fight for a s ociety rich in diversity, where equal rights, legal protection, and the freedom for everyone to be themselves is key. We wanna see a community where no one faces discrimination based on their gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. Let’s make our city even more vibrant together! 🌈
Keep an eye on our website for updates regarding meeting points and the parade route!
Line-up along Bispegata (Start: at the bottom of Bispegata by Kjøpmannsgata)
- Trondheim pride
- FRI Trøndelag m/ undergrupper
- Skeiv verden
- Skeiv ungdom
- Garmeres, Steatronis, Noereh
- Skeiv scene
- Me Nightclub feat.Brittany Fierce & SlimSalatDipp
- Rabalder volleyball Trondheim
- Losje Sol og Måne
- PKI midt-norge
- The Secret Flamingo
- Trondheim kommune
- Trøndelag fylkeskommune
- Roseldal teater/ DansiT koreografisk senter
- Trøndelag Teater
- Amnesty
- Student Orchesteret Den Ohmske Motstanden
Line-up Munkegata (at the top of Munkegata)
- Ungdommens bystyre
- Venstre + unge Venstre
- Høyre + unge Høyre
- Frp + Fpu
- MDG + GU
- Rødt + RU
- SV + SU
- Trondheim Arbeiderparti
- Human Etisk forbund
- Skeivt kristent nettverk
- Den norske kirke
- Kirkens bymisjon
- Metodistkirken
- Trøndertun Folkehøgskole
- 7-Eleven/ Narvesen
- Kantenga
- ISS Facility Services
Line-up along Kongsgårdsgata (From Bispegata down towards Grenaderen)
- Politiets Fellesforbund
- Politiet Trøndelag
- Tolletaten
- UDF (Utdanningsforbundet)
- Norsk Sykepleierforbund Trøndelag og Trommekorpset
- Norsk Psykologforening
- Fagforbundet Trondheim
- NITO (Norges ingeniør- og teknologorganisasjon)
- Sjiraffen kultur og kompetansesenter
- Norsk Folkehjelp Trondheim
- Arbeidstilsynet
- Jentevakta
- Redd Barna Region Midt
- Autismeforeningen
- Torucon
- Norges korforbund Trøndelag
- Strindens Promenade Orchester
- NTNU LHBT+ Ansattnettverk
- NTNUI Dans
- SiT
- Studentersamfundet i Trondhjem
- Studenttinget med velferdstinget
- Singsaker studenthjem
Line-up Ytre Kongsgård (using the entire park)
- Studentorkesteret (dei taktlause)
- Erudio
- ESN Trondheim
- Psykolosjen
- Spanskrøret
- Timini
- Nabla
- Gengangere
- Norsk fotofagskole
- Theodor linjeforening
- Janus
- Socialis
- Viventibus
- Høiskolens Chemikerforening
- Programvareverkstedet
- Volvox/ Alkymisten
- Ingeniører uten grenser
- Teaterlosjen
- Trondhjems Kvinnelige Studentersangforening
How to join the parade!
For individuals:
No registration necessary! Just show up and celebrate with us! 🥳
- Meeting place: Ytre kongsgård, Bispegata and at the top of Munkegata.
- Time: 12:00 for the lineup. The parade starts at 13:00.
For organizations/groups:
Are you part of an organization or group? Groups wishing to participate in the parade must register by Monday, September 2nd. Check out the parade rules and register below.
- Meeting place: Ytre kongsgård, Bispegata and at the top of Munkegata.
- Time: 12:00 for the lineup. The parade starts at 13:00.
Any questions regarding the parade or how to participate?
Send an e-mail to the Parade Coordinator!
Siv Stendahl
Parade Coordinator